
Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Let The Excitement Start Again

There is one thing that is amazing about working in healthcare. No matter what your role, we all continue to drive toward a similar mission... do good for those you have the privilege to serve! Your role may be in a healthcare organization or a vendor serving that organization, at the end of the day everything we do is for common goals...improve healthcare delivery and reduce cost.

That was the excitement from HIMSS 2012. We are all in this together.

Earlier in the week at the CHIME CIO Forum, the theme was we are all in this together...and as CIOs; we have a ton of responsibility on our shoulders to work with our executive colleagues to make things happen and provide a leadership role. Especially since the tools of technology and change management will make a significant impact.

It all boils down to a simple concept... communicate with each other.
Talk about fears and concerns...
Talk about change...
Talk about skills or lack there of... but also...
Talk about potential...
Talk about what is in and what is out of our control...
Talk about the future... and then... plan & execute because in the end, we are trying to improve healthcare delivery and reducing cost in our system as an industry, as a community and as a nation.